Sustainable development policy

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Sustainable development policy

China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. (“COLI”, “the Company” or “we”) is committed to promoting sustainable development. In its progress towards the strategic goal of “becoming an Exceptional Global Property Development Corporation”, the Company strives for the “Four Excellences” which offers “Good Products and Good Services” and demonstrates “Good Effectiveness and being a Good Citizen”. We work hand in hand with working groups and business partners to uphold core values as well as the principles of ethical, social and environmental responsibilities.

This Policy is monitored by COLI’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Working Group. And its execution team is responsible for coordinating efforts of relevant departments to adjust related operations and to effectively implement this Policy. Given the diversity of the Company’s business portfolio, the management team of each department should implement this Policy in line with various business conditions.

At the level of corporate risk management, environmental and social risk factors related to this Policy have been incorporated into the Company’s relevant policies and assessment list. Competent departments are required to rate different risk factors on a regular basis. Results will be reported to the Audit and Risk Management Committee for review, in order to determine the Company’s annual risk management events and their rankings, and to designate departments as risk owners to implement management measures.

Our goals:

For sustainable development, we provide customers with “Good Products” and “Good Services” and create “Good Effectiveness” for shareholders, while being a “Good Citizen” in our business development by not compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. COLI is committed to creating long-term values for its shareholders and believes that achieving this depends on the sustainable development of its businesses and the communities in which it operates.

The executive management of each company in which COLI has a controlling interest should apply this Policy in a way that is relevant to their business. Associated and joint venture companies of COLI are encouraged to follow this Policy, as are our contractors and suppliers.

Our policy:

• In its business operations (including construction sites and long-horizon investment properties), COLI strives to:

Good Citizen

o Identify and manage the impact (including opportunities and risks) of climate change on the Company and its projects, and take actions to mitigate or respond to climate change;
o Use natural resources rationally, increase the use of renewable resources and improve energy efficiency;
o Reduce the emission of air pollutants, sewage, waste and other pollutants;
o Use water responsibly and sustainably and protect watersheds;
o Implement waste sorting and encourage property owners and tenants to
participate; and
o Cherish and prudently manage the natural resources in areas which it develops
and where it operates; protect local biodiversity; and identify and duly manage the potential adverse impact of its operations on and the resilience of the environment.

Good Products

o Promote people-oriented project operation and management, advocate the inclusiveness of various communities (e.g., of different genders, ages, income levels and family positions) through (but not limited to) daily operation & management, event planning, equipment upgrades and technology applications, facilitate the coordinated development of various industries (e.g., large enterprises and start-ups), as well as to operate projects in line with the needs of different communities; and
o Invest resources in the design, planning and development of high-quality community infrastructure and supporting services, including education, elderly care facilities and affordable housing, so as to improve people’s basic security, quality of life, health and well-being.

Good Services

o Conduct marketing in a responsible manner, and provide customers with full and accurate product information whenever possible;
o Ensure the confidentiality of information, and strive to maintain the privacy of customers;
o Optimise the process and standards of customer service management, provide customers with professional services, and continuously improve customer satisfaction; and
o Promote fair treatment of customers, and protect their rights and interests.

Good Effectiveness

o Monitor and report on the Company’s performance regularly;
o Encourage employees and other stakeholders to engage actively in sustainable development at work or in the community;
o Ensure lawful employment, take measures to prevent child labour and forced labour, strive to fulfil the ultimate aim of an injury-free workplace, and safeguard the health and safety of its employees and people at its locations of operation;
o Create a corporate culture of integrity, and fight corruption, fraudulence and unfair competition;
o Focus on the supplier risks arisen from the impact of materials on health, safety and the environment, and compile the Technical Requirements for different building materials, setting out technical standards that meet or exceed the national standards to be complied with when purchasing materials;
o Source materials responsibly and sustainably, including ensuring that its suppliers meet, and preferably exceed, the sustainability standards in its supplier guiding principles; and
o In the procurement process, review to ensure business partners’ labour treatment and their management mechanism are reasonable, and work with its suppliers to improve their level of labour protection.